Top 3 Favourites K-Indie Singers

Despite the strong wave of K-pop in our music chart nowadays, I have a special spot in my heart for K-indie songs. And these three bands are my favourite K-indie singers:

1. Standing Egg

Favourites K-Indie Singers

Standing Egg is definitely on the top of my list. Ever since I heard the band's song titled "Keep Going", I've been listening to most of their songs. My favourite songs from the band includes "Miss Flower", "Runner's High" and "Lemon Pie". Listening to their songs while eating yellow lemon pie is gonna be a blissful activity in my book. 

2. 10cm

10cm K-Indie Songs

Americano...chuwa chuwa chuwa~~~ The ultimate winner of the songs about a type of coffee concoctions called Americano. Other than their famous hit, Americano, 10cm has also sung a lot of nice songs such as "Fine Thank You and You?" and "쓰담쓰담 ". I don't know how to pronounce the 2nd song but the beat is very fun to listen to. 

3. Urban Zakapa

Urban Zakapa K-Indie Songs

If 10cm is famous for its "Americano", Urban Zakapa is famous for its "Cafe Latte". And apparently Urban Zakapa has a lady's voice in its songs. Other nice song from Urban Zakapa will be "Crush" and "My Love". 

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