Tips to Make Rainbow Hair Works from Jessica Jung

The latest pictorial of Jessica and Jay Park for Adidas is simply awesome. Rainbow is not new. The top Korean model, Irene Kim, has been sporting the look for months now. But the hair color looks so amazing on Jessica. Kinda makes Noona want to sport the same hairstyle but she would probably be summoned by the HR department in the office the next day. LOL. So, how to make this rainbow hairstyle works?

1. Pair it with a dark top

Tips to Make Rainbow Hair Works from Jessica Jung

As your hair has made a style statement in its own, you can tone down the look a bit by pairing it with a dark top and what is better than black? Adidas is known for its classic black and white top (in fact, even Noona, the fashion noob, has it). 

2. Make it pop

Adidas Photoshoot Jessica Jung

When you want to make your style pop, a neon color definitely will do the work. But since the hairstyle is so colorful, it's best to steer clear from yellow, orange and red. Electric blue seems to do the work quite well. If it does not work, Adidas won't let Jess wear blue from neck down to feet. Hahaha.

3. Don't forget your cool hat

Jessica Jung Adidas Latest Pictorial

Rainbow hair and floral cap looks so matchy-matchy together. This will make a great profile picture in your social media platform, no?

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